The Renaissance – Power and Beauty
Imagine Beauty, wonders, sumptuous banquets, clubs of scholars and literates.
In the 15 hundreds, The re-discovery of the ancient Greek and roman wonders, the new wave of interest for the classical ancient books, the ancient Greek and Roman ruins re-emerging from the depth of the fields
changed forever the way to conceive the universe and to represent it.
It is new wind of renovation, a compendium of all the single ideas that in the previous centuries had attempted a new understanding of the human being, but which had remained uncompleted until the 15th century.
The great Renaissance ferment could only find its natural home in Rome.
The Pope's new court had to shine above all others.
The best artists of the moment knew that their greatest possibility of glory could only be in Rome.
One above all: Raffaello Sanzio, you can call him Raphael. He came to Rome to serve the Pope, but not only the Pope.
This great sense of rebirth of the Renaissance couldn’t be better celebrated in the villa of the great and powerful banker Agostino Chigi, the Magnificent, the great, a very close friend of the Pope and a personal friend of Raphael.
What’s included: